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  • Crafting Well-being Environments: Systems-oriented strategies for lasting change with Dr Reuben Rusk

Crafting Well-being Environments: Systems-oriented strategies for lasting change with Dr Reuben Rusk

  • February 11, 2025
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online
  • 19


  • NZAPP Member

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About the session:

Psychological, social, and physical environments are often under-considered in well-being initiatives, but they play a major role in shaping lasting behaviours. These behaviours, in turn, fundamentally shape long-term well-being.

This presentation will outline a simple model of how situations lead to behaviours as a tool for improving the design of effective well-being initiatives. A simple example will illustrate the process of applying it to a workplace well-being initiative.

A new empirical personality framework will be introduced to explore the interplay between environments and individual differences. From this vantage point, the advantages of a systems-based approach to promote well-being among diverse personalities will be highlighted. This approach will be illustrated with research on positive leadership practices.

Speaker details - Dr Reuben Rusk

Reuben communicates science-based insights to help individuals, leaders, and teams flourish. With a PhD in well-being science from the University of Melbourne, he is an internationally experienced presenter and recognised expert in the field. Reuben’s work has been featured in several academic journals, and his analysis of positive psychology literature has led to the development of an empirically-based positive education framework.

Over the past decade, Reuben has collaborated with organisations within New Zealand and Australia. His background in engineering provides him with a unique perspective on well-being and how it can be changed. He has contributed his expertise at the University of Melbourne, helping to teach papers in Wellbeing Leadership and the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology.

Reuben focuses on creating lasting change in well-being by shaping the way psychological, social, and physical environments influence key moment-by-moment processes. He believes that the private and public sectors play a pivotal role in cultivating these well-being environments through policies, processes, and practices. Partnering with leaders and practitioners who face complex challenges in this area, Reuben helps to develop more effective well-being interventions, strategies, and programmes.


The event is free for NZAPP members and a limited number of guest tickets are available for $25. The recording and slides of the event will only be available to members of NZAPP.

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